As the heat goes up, so does your energy expenses. To keep your air conditioning expenses under control you could be asking yourself, is it cheaper to leave your AC on all day in the summer in Magnolia?
It’s a widespread belief that turning your AC on and off throughout the day is inefficient. This is actually not true.
Keeping your air conditioning running constantly means you’re not using it very efficiently. We suggest adjusting your thermostat higher when you’re away, and turning it back down when you come home. You can achieve this with a programmable thermostat. Or, a smart thermostat is able to do the work for you.
It’s a lot more work for your system to achieve the same setting all day long. It can also cause a lot of wear and tear to your equipment, since it’s frequently turning on and off.
So, on top of it increasing your energy bills, it might also result in a shorter life span for your air conditioner.
In any case, the greater the difference between your indoor temperature and the outside temperature, the greater your air conditioning expenses will be. So, what can you do to stay cool and keep your energy bills low in the summer? Here are our tips based off of recommendations from the U.S Department of Energy (DOE) and ENERGY STAR®.
Six Ways to Boost Your Air Conditioner’s Energy Efficiency
- Tweak Your Thermostat. The DOE affirms that you can conserve up to 10% annually on heating and cooling by raising your thermostat 7-10 degrees when you’re away at work. During the summer, it’s suggested to set your thermostat at 78 degrees while you’re home and 88 degrees when you’re away. It’s equally as important to avoid setting your thermostat to a lower setting than average when you turn on your air conditioner. This doesn’t actually cool down your home any faster, it just leads to bigger energy bills. While these temperatures could appear toasty, there are many methods to keep cooler without having to constantly run the AC unit.
- Utilize Fans, Curtains and Blinds. ENERGY STAR says dialing up the thermostat by just 2 degrees and turning on your ceiling fan can decrease AC by up to 14% over the course of the cooling season. It’s important to remember that fans cool people, not spaces. So, when you head out of the room, turn the fan off to be energy efficient. Also, keeping blinds lowered and curtains drawn for the duration of the day helps keep cooler air inside. There are also some window solutions designed to deliver extra insulation and boost energy efficiency.
- Effectively Seal All Doors, Windows and Openings. Leaky openings throughout a home let conditioned air to easily slip out and the heat to get in. This could cause your AC equipment being required to work harder to keep your home cooler and your energy bills to climb. Check that any cracks, doors and windows are suitably sealed. Caulking or weather-stripping are easy fixes for leaks or drafts around windows and doors.
- Plan for Routine Maintenance. Scheduling air conditioner maintenance ensures your air conditioner is always functioning at its most efficient. This allows our pros to locate simple issues before they become substantial dilemmas. A maintained air conditioner is generally more efficient and can even last for a longer period of time.
- Invest in a Smart Thermostat. One of the easiest methods to ensure comfort and efficiency is with a smart thermostat. This thermostat intuitively adjusts the temperature based on your daily schedule. It works together with your smartphone to see when you’re at home or out to optimize your efficiency. In fact, ENERGY STAR mentions that a smart thermostat could possibly save you about $180 every year on heating and cooling costs.
- Consider Replacing Your Air Conditioner. You can expect a properly cared for air conditioner to run for 15-20 years. But if you’re regularly calling us for air conditioning repair or your utility bills are rising with no change in thermostat settings, it might be time for a replacement. We carry many energy-efficient air conditioners, such as ENERGY STAR models that can help you save more on cooling without compromising comfort.
Increase Your Home’s Energy Efficiency with JTech Mechanical
No one enjoys seeing their electricity bill climb during the summer. If you’re looking for more ways to keep your energy use and costs lower this summer, our experts can help. Give us a call at 281-231-8768 or contact us online right away for more info.