Find a Dream Home with Our HVAC Checklist for First-Time Buyers

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Secure Your Ideal Home with Our First-Time Buyer’s HVAC Checklist

Buying your first home is an exhilarating experience. You’re probably juggling numerous details to ensure you’re making the right choice. We believe that gaining insight into your future HVAC system is crucial. The property’s HVAC system represents a substantial investment and potential source of long-term costs, so being thorough [Continue Reading ]

2024-09-10T19:47:29+00:00March 5, 2024|

5 Reasons {to Avoid Covering|Why You Shouldn’t Cover|to Not Cover} Your Air Conditioner {for|this|in the} Winter

As the {hot|scorching|sweltering} summer {sun|sunshine|heat} starts to fade and the {relief|refreshingly cool weather|cooler temperatures} of fall starts to settle in, residents of Magnolia start preparing their homes and yards for the {winter|wintertime|the upcoming cold weather}. For many, that leads to the question of whether they {should|need to|ought to} cover their {outdoor|exterior|outside} {air conditioning unit|AC|air conditioner} for the winter.

2024-09-10T19:53:22+00:00September 19, 2023|

{Why Does Your AC Smell and How You Can Fix It|Why Your Air Conditioner Smells and How to Fix It|If Your Air Conditioner Smells, Here’s How to Fix It}

When your air conditioner starts emitting weird or unappealing aromas, it is necessary to take notice because it could be a sign of a significant problem. Ignoring unpleasant smells coming from your air conditioning could lead to serious damage to your air conditioning or even pose a risk to [Continue Reading ]

2024-09-10T20:00:28+00:00June 20, 2023|

{Setting Your Thermostat to|How to Set Your Thermostat and|Thermostat Settings That} Save Money {All|in} Summer

We all like saving money on our monthly utility bills, but you should know there’s a way to keep costs down, even when you're out of the house. The key is your thermostat. By using automatic schedules, you can help the thermostat plan for your preferred temperatures. That means [Continue Reading ]

2024-09-10T20:36:24+00:00May 23, 2023|

{Dander|Dust}, {Allergens|Allergies}, {Mildew|Mold}, Odors: {Are Air Purifiers Worth It?|Why Air Purifiers Are Worth It}

Are you searching for an easy and practical way to boost your indoor air quality at home? Whole-house air purifiers are a very good remedy for removing pollutants such as allergens, dust, mold and other harmful particles from the air. Purification systems can also get rid of airborne irritants [Continue Reading ]

2024-09-10T20:11:21+00:00April 27, 2023|

{Answered|Seasonal Guide|Solved|Seasonal Settings}: Should My Thermostat {Be on|Be Set to|Run on} {Fan or Auto|Auto or Fan}?

Once the weather begins to cool off, you might be wondering about how you’ll prepare your heating and cooling. After all, HVAC bills frequently make up a large portion of your monthly electric bill. To figure out new ways to lower their HVAC bill, some homeowners look closely at [Continue Reading ]

2024-09-10T20:16:23+00:00October 5, 2022|

{Why Windows Sweat Indoors|Why Your Windows Are Sweating Indoors|Sweating Windows} and {What to Do|How to Fix It|How to Stop It}

The windows in your home are a portal to the outdoors, a way to allow light in as you take in the view of your garden, yard or other surroundings. The last thing you need to see is a sweaty window coated in a coating of condensation. Not only [Continue Reading ]

2024-09-10T21:00:23+00:00September 27, 2022|

{Your Guide to Energy Efficient Winter Thermostat Settings|Guide to Energy-Efficient Thermostat Settings in Winter|How to Set Your Thermostat for Winter Energy Efficiency|Energy Efficient Thermostat Settings for Winter}

It's winter! And that means cold temperatures and big heating costs. If you're looking to cut your energy bills this season without compromising comfort, this guide is for you. We’ll discuss how to make sure your home stays warm without costing you a fortune. With these [Continue Reading ]

2024-09-10T20:45:29+00:00December 21, 2021|

{Why Does My New Furnace|Is It Normal for a New Furnace to|Should New Furnaces Have a Weird} Smell?

Have you recently had a new furnace put in and are now experiencing an unusual smell? You're not alone, because plenty of other homeowners also have this happen at first. Let’s review what’s causing this smell, and when you can look forward to it to go away, as [Continue Reading ]

2024-09-10T20:50:27+00:00December 8, 2021|
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